OK! I really have no time the write this post but I'm so excited about this that it must be done....advanced nursing theory can wait a little longer.
The kitchen is in the home stretch and has been for 6 months! The finishing touches take longer than anything. I needed curtains and knew I wanted toile. I LOVE TOILE! Easy right? NOT! I could only find toile with a base color of white and that meant too much white in my kitchen with new white cabinets. Then one day while surfing blogland, I found a post about the most lovely bedding (yes, bedding) with a blue back ground and toile scene. So off to Target and got the last one on clearance for $60. SCORE!
Problem....I don't sew.....at all! So I planned to a Nester mistreatment. Then stepped in my most lovely and talented neighbor that offered to help me do it properly. Jenny is the best! She first sent me to task ripping the whole thing apart. Here's the mess I was left with.

Don't you just love the fabric?!

So one afternoon we went to work. When I say
we, I mean Jenny and I was her best cheerleader!

Then the sewing began. She swears it's easy but I'm not so sure...

What was suppose to take an afternoon took D.A.Y.S! Jenny did a great job and I really appreciate the time she put into it.
Here are the results and I love it!!!!!!

Check out the detail. Jenny took the time to use the cording I had cut off and made it look so professional.

Remember...this started out as bedding so there was only so much material to work with and no way of getting additional. So the middle treatment is yellow while the 2 sides are blue. I think it looks so great. Amazing what can be done when you are forced to use what you have.

Here are the panels by the bay window. I can't get them both in one picture so you don't get the full effect but it's fabulous!

She made bans for all the treatments and payed attention to the image that would be visible.

Check this out! She perfectly matched up the patterns where the yellow and blue materials meet. So awesome!

Thanks to Jenny for a job better than I could have imagined! She really took a lot of time and did a great job. No! You can't have her as your neighbor...I have trouble sharing!