Friday, May 8, 2009

Lindie's First Craft Project

This week I had the HONOR of watching my youngest niece, Lindie. This is her mommy's first Mothers Day. Since she is a single mom, I wanted to give her something from her sweet Lindie. Not having the most creative mind myself, I searched to internet for something to create. I knew I wanted to incorporate her handprint and a photo as a keepsake.

I found a poem that I thought was sweet and copied it as a word document. After playing with the font and size, I printed it on some nice cardstock. Then the hard work began, getting a NICE handprint in one try from a 7 month old! She wasn't happy but I got a good result. I took her most recent photos and used a large hole punch then added them to page. I think it turned out great!

Here is what Lindie and I did today...

Since it is impossible to read, here is the poem I found:
My Handprint
Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls
But everyday I'm growing big
And soon I will be very tall
Then all my little handprints
Will be hard to recall
So here's a special handprint
Just so you can say
This is how my fingers looked
When I placed them here today!
Happy Mother's Day, Sandy! You are a great mommy!

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I love to hear what you think...